XXII Congresso Nazionale GIVRE | 03.06.22 Rimini

XXII Congresso Nazionale GIVRE

3-4 Giugno 2022

RIMINI – Palacongressi

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16.30 – 18.00


Presidenti: Guido Lesnoni, Giuseppe Nuzzi, Giorgio Tassinari
Coordinatori: Rocco De Fazio, Paolo M. Fantaguzzi

Introduzione: La “learning-curve” nell’apprendimento della chirurgia episclerale
Rocco De Fazio

Esame pre-operatoro del paziente con distacco di retina
Tommaso Rossi

Sistemi di visualizzazione intra-operatori (oftalmoscopio indiretto – candeliere): la localizzazione della/e rotture

I Piombaggi: il piombaggio radiale ed il piombaggio circonferenziale
Tommaso Rossi

Scelta del piombaggio
Manlio Nicoletti

La chirurgia “minimale”
Tomaso Caporossi

La puntura evacuativa: indicazioni e tecniche di esecuzione
Francesco Barca

“Standardizzazione” della chirurgia episclerale
Fabio Patelli




XXII Congresso Nazionale GIVRE sponsors


How to reach the headquarters of the GIVRE 2022 congress:

By plane

The Bologna “Guglielmo Marconi” International Airport is located about 100 km by motorway from Rimini and can be reached in an hour, even with shuttles or private cars. It ensures daily connections with the main Italian, European and worldwide cities, served by the major international airlines.
For more information www.bologna-airport.it.
From the Bologna airport, there is a shuttle service to Rimini and back: Shuttle Italy Airport.
The Bologna airport is connected to the railway station by the People Mover, a rapid rail transport that takes you to the high-speed platforms in 7 and a half minutes.

By car

Thanks to the motorway network, Rimini is well connected with the rest of Italy and Europe. It is located on the A14 Milan-Bari motorway, and is served by two motorway exits: Rimini Nord and Rimini Sud. With the A14, from Rimini you can easily reach the A4 for Venice and the A22 for the Brenner Pass, and just as conveniently it reaches the A1 for Florence, Rome and Naples.

To reach the Palacongressi, the motorway exit is Rimini Sud. For more information www.autostrade.it.

On the train

The Palacongressi di Rimini is connected to the railway station by bus line 7.

The railway network also contributes to perfectly connect the Rimini Riviera with the rest of Italy. From Rimini station, 1.5 km from the Palacongressi, you can easily reach Bologna in 56 minutes, Milan in 2 hours and 3 hours and a half Rome. For more information www.trenitalia.it.


The Organizing Secretariat has reserved for the participants in the Congress a contingent of rooms in hotel structures of different categories.

For information or hotel reservations, please send an email to givre2022.hotel@aimgroup.eu.


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